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For your GPS: 280 Bethania-Rural Hall Road, Rural Hall, NC 27045

  (in the center of Town, just down the road from Town Hall and Hayworth-Miller)

For your Calendar: 10:00 AM The BLEND | 11:00 AM Worship | 6:00 PM Evening Ministries

  (classes for all ages and nursery available at all services)

For your Info: We are a church with a healthy mix of ages, various music styles, casual yet respectful dress, Christian grace, and serious Bible study. Expect a visitor's parking space for your car, a pew to sit in with your family, plenty of handshakes from people just like you, a meaningful time in worship, and safe, clean, and fun children's classes and nursery.



Pastor Wesley has focused on teaching and leading RHCC since 2013. A native of Lenoir, NC, he has been happily married to his beautiful bride, Bridget, since 2007 and is the proud father of two adorable daughters. After earning both bachelor's and master's degrees in biblical studies, Wesley earned the Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.) degree in biblical preaching and leadership from Carolina Graduate School of Divinity and the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Theology and New Testament from the North-West University. Since the early 2000s, Wesley has worked in Christian Ministry with several different churches, seminaries, and ministries. He enjoys spending time with his family, studying for Bible sermons and lessons, visiting the mountains and beaches of NC, training in Brazilian jiu-jitsu, buying books, and eating fried rice. Find out more about him by visiting or email him at


Pastor Jordan has overseen the Youth Ministry at RHCC since 2016 and has helped with other pastoral responsibilities as an ordained minister since 2020. A native of King, NC, he has been married to his wonderful wife, Kayla, since 2015 and is the father of two boys. Jordan is a graduate of Forsyth Technical Community College and has also earned the Certificate in Christian Ministries from Johnson University. He is excited to minister to kids of all ages and continues to develop a strong and vibrant ministry. When he's not working, Jordan enjoys hanging out with his family and friends as well as golfing.


John Booth


Jordan Hudgins

Eddie Landrum

Wesley McCarter



Jeff Chunn

Joseph McCarter

Jerry Shelton


We support the following missionaries and missions on an on-going basis:

Foreign Missionaries:

Ian and Heidi Fry- Zimbabwe (Eden Ministries)


Melio and Gyna Jean- Haiti (Sonlight Christian Mission)


Robert and Tassanee Morse- Thailand (North Burma Christian Mission)


Ron and Pat Morse- Thailand (North Burma Christian Mission)


Emrys and Usha Rees- India (Medical Missions of India)

website n/a




International Disaster Emergency Services- Kempton, IN

Financial Giving


In addition to cash or check offerings given in-person on Sundays (there is a black box in the foyer), members and friends can also mail a check to P.O. Box 146, Rural Hall, NC 27045 or donate online by clicking here on the website the "Online Giving" tab which will redirect to a safe and secure page hosted by First Citizens Bank. For any questions, feel free to contact us.

© 2025 Rural Hall Christian Church

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